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Potluck/Covered Dish Guidelines
A potluck/covered dish is a gathering where each guest contributes
a dish of food/casserole
that is to be shared. When everyone brings food, there is more than enough for all to enjoy.
The purpose of a potluck dinner is to share a meal together.
Please plan to stay, please do not stop in and take-out.
To help make our potluck/covered dish luncheons a pleasure for everyone,
please help by following these guidelines:
Do not bring dessert as desserts and beverages will be provided.
(If you bring a dessert, that is what you are offering to others for a meal.)
Bring a dish of food/casserole that will serve 6 or more people
Please have your dish prepared when you bring it to church.
There will be a sign up sheet on the table at the back of the church.
Please let us know what you plan to bring.
There are two kitchen ovens. They will be set at 140 degrees to keep your meal warm during
worship. Your dish would be in the oven for 60-90 minutes at this low temperature.
You are welcome to bring food in a crock pot.
There will be room in the refrigerator for cold items.
We only have one small microwave, do not plan to cook your meal in the church kitchen microwave.
The ovens will be used for keeping foods warm, do not plan to have your meal cooked in the oven
during worship, unless it will cook at the low temperature mentioned.
When you arrive at church, the basement doors will be open. Please take your dish to the kitchen
and put it in the oven, refrigerator, or counter, depending on the temperature you want to
serve it at. This is your responsibility – please don’t just leave it for someone else to take
care of.
To avoid congestion in the kitchen after worship, please have your dish ready to serve when you drop
it off in the kitchen. After worship, your prepared dish will be set out for our feast.
Please have your name on any dishes or containers that you want to have returned to you.
(Using an address label works well for this.)
Lids get separated from dishes and containers, so please label both the dish/container and the lid.
When you leave, please take your dishes and any of your leftovers with you.
Thank you for your help!