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Welcome to Crescentville UMC
400 Sentner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120
Phone: 215-745-7115
email: crescentvilleumc@gmail.com

We welcome you to
worship with us in our sanctuary.
Sunday's 10:30 AM
Our worship service is recorded and the video is available on Facebook, YouTube,
and our website by Sunday evening.
A Changing Church for Changing Times
We describe our congregation as a changing church for changing times. We celebrate our multicultural, multi-generational Church family.
Our church family includes people from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Kenya, Jamaica, Trinidad, St. Vincent Island, Romania, Pakistan, Nigeria and Hungary,
as well as some who grew up in the Crescentville neighborhood and others who are new to the area.
Please know you are welcome to be a part of the change! We invite you to join with us as we seek God’s leading us to be a welcoming place in our community.

Sunday March 30, 2025 Worship 10:30 AM
Please support our youth as they lead us in worship!
Youth will then have lunch and a trip to Sky Zone.
Contact Sue Snyder for information about trip to Sky Zone.

Thank you to Sue Snyder for her diligent work to get us on the
Eastern PA Conference web page!

We are encouraged to read the scriptures as we live through the many changes and challenges we face today in our world. The Word of God NEVER changes, because Jesus Christ never changes!
For daily devotions, please check out the Luther Seminary Education website.
You can sign up for devotions to be sent directly to your email.